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August 2023

NZME acquires remaining shares in OneRoof Limited

Thursday, 17 August 2023

AUCKLAND, 17 August 2023: NZME Limited (NZX: NZM, ASX: NZM) (“NZME”) announces that its wholly owned subsidiary NZME Publishing Limited today agreed to acquire the remaining 20 percent of the shares in OneRoof Limited (“OneRoof”), which will bring its total shareholding to 100 percent. MORE

NZME expects a stronger second half and maintains dividend

Friday, 25 August 2023

NZME has today announced its financial results for the half year ended 30 June 2023, reporting Statutory Net Profit After Tax (NPAT)1 of $2 million. Operating Revenue was $166 million for the first half of the year - down 6 percent against the first half of 2022, which was largely reflective of a difficult economic environment. MORE

NZME launches Viva Local Life across its five regional newspapers

Thursday, 31 August 2023

One of New Zealand’s most loved lifestyle, fashion, food, beauty and design publications will soon be localised and available in regions across the country with the introduction of Viva Local Life in New Zealand Media and Entertainment’s five regional newspapers. MORE